Visit Us!
We are located at
5872 Meetinghouse Road
Tully, NY 13159
Sunday morning Service begins at 9:30 a.m. Sunday School (first Sunday of month is Family Sunday where children attend the full service)
Beverages & Refreshments in the Fellowship Hall following service. All are welcome.
Our Pastor
Rev. Richard G. Reed
Office Hours:
By Appointment
Call 315-696-8066
Secretary Office Hours Tuesday-Friday 9-noon
(Other times, please leave a message if no answer)
For any questions. 315-696-8066
Send email to church by clicking on the envelope at the bottom of the page.
Go to our facebook by clicking the facebook icon on the bottom of the page.
Click here to see the new Calendar on our Calendar Page
March 29th - Spring Suites& Sonatas, 3pm @TUCC
Soup Suppers Thursdays during Lent
TUCC Fellowship Hall, 6 pm
Menu consists of homemade soups, breads, and desserts. Short informational talk to follow meal, topics below. All are welcome!
3/27 – To Be Announced
4/3 – Tully School Resource Officer: Emergency Evacuation plan, Security Risks in Tully
4/10 – Kenya Mission with Jim Kerr-Whit
4/17 – Soup Supper and Maundy Thursday Service
Holy Week @ TUCC –April 13-2
4/13 - Palm/Passion Sunday Service at 9:30am. Palms will be available. Mozart Requiem at 3pm
4/17 - Maundy Thursday – Soup Supper at 6pm, Service at 7pm
4/18 - Good Friday Service at Noon
Prayer Vigil - 24 hours following Good Friday service to Saturday at Noon.
4/20 - Easter Sunrise Service 6am
Continental Breakfast between services.
4/20 - Easter Service 9:30am
Music Ministry Request
Hello TUCC Congregation! This is Marie Kemp, I'm the Choir Director of the Laura Currie Chancel Choir. I am working with Rick Reed and Laura Rankin on adding some new anthems to our music library. This is how you can help: Each new piece we purchase costs between 60-80 dollars (Including shipping). You can choose to dedicate a piece in memory or in honor of someone, or you can simply put a donation in the offering plate and mark it for THE MUSIC FUND. Please feel free to contact the office with any questions and Marie can contact you. Thank you in advance for your support. Blessings, Marie Kemp
Observing Lent at Home Booklet available at TUCC –“Observing Lent At Home” activity book is available for free to pick up in the lobby. The booklets contain fun activities, scripture readings, helpful hints and explanations about Lent, Holy Week, and Easter.
Mar 9th – Apr 13th – Sundays after worship, 6- week Lenten Study -SERMON on the MOUNT
Senior Indoor Walking Program Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 AM to 12 N – TUCC has opened all their doors and created a flat, safe 242-meter walking loop inside. 6 1/2 loops equal 1 mile.
Entryway Digital Display Look at the activities on the digital display located adjacent to the entry from the parking lot. If you have pictures or info you would like for the entryway digital display, please email to Cindy (
Letters for All Seasons - See the page under Programs each month for the next letter.
Senior Luncheon Tuesdays at 12:00
60+ - $3.50, Under 60 - $4.00. If you are a shut-in or ill call the church 315-696-8066 to arrange delivery.
(Robert Levin Completion)
Palm Sunday, April 13, 3:00pm @TUCC
Mozart’s Requiem will be performed featuring community singers, soloists and an orchestra from the Tully, Cortland, Ithaca and Syracuse areas and conducted by Dr Stephen B. Wilson. Free will offering will be collected during the performance.