Tuesday Senior Luncheon

Every Tuesday at Noon our church sponsors a Senior Luncheon. All are welcome – price is $3.50 for 60+, $4.00 for under 60 and no one is denied if unable to pay. Senior Luncheon Dinning (Curbside Pickup is also available from 12:15 -12:30) or if you are a shut -in or ill call the church 315-696-8066 to arrange delivery. We serve up to 40 lunches each week for our deserving senior citizens. Volunteers to prepare, serve and clean up are always welcome between 10am and 1pm.

Senior Indoor Walking Program

Tuesday and Thursdays 10am to Noon

Indoor at TUCC

TUCC has opened all their doors and created a flat, safe 242-meter walking loop inside. 6 1/2 loops equal 1 mile. Please bring sneakers and remove boots. Questions contact the office.